Updates and such..... No word back from any publishers concerning Quiet Desperation, it may end up going through Kickstarter....sigh. On a more upbeat note, I just submitted my sketchbook, Putrid Glop The Lackadaisical Sketches of Doodles Handlon to Kindle Direct Publishing and it should be available for purchase within a few days. I'll let you know when it's up. If you want to see some of the stuff contained within the pages of the book you can check out the sketches pages on this website! The physical copies will be available in paperback ($14.99) and in hardback ($19.99). Since I am a pop culture junkie the sketchbook is filled with pop culture drawings and other random things that enter my scattered mind. Any profit that I make from the sketchbooks will go towards publishing Quiet Desperation if it comes to that.